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Is science on the right track

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Climate Continued

The media lead you to assume that all the scientific thinking is in favour of the global warming scenario, but this is not so. There is an organisation known as the IPCC which issues climate reports at regular intervals and which supports the idea of man-made global warming. Now people assume that this organisation is a scientific foundation, but it isn’t. It is a political organisation which hires ‘scientists’ to make studies of various climatic situations, which they choose and edit and then interpret. And it is their announcements that the media and world governments listen to.

Furthermore, there are government scientists who spend a lot of our money doing work to back up any line the government might take. For climate, they have a giant computer system with much complex programming to predict changes in world climate. The problem with this is that you have to enter all the factors into the programme. So if you decide that CO2 in the atmosphere causes heating, then you have to programme it in. Then, surprise, surprise, the world gets hotter when the programme is run.

Here is their latest report with independent comments added. DOWNLOAD

And here are some more independent articles that are worth looking at - ARTICLE 1   Article 2

This is the latest climate report from Vincent Gray - DOWNLOAD

There is also a man situated in New Zealand, by name of Vincent Gray, who has worked tirelessly for many years to overturn the obsession with the idea that we are destroying the planet by burning fossil fuels. But the establishment has closed ranks against any arguments against man-made global warming. However, it may be that the tide is turning as it is becoming increasingly obvious that the arguments for global warming do not agree with the observed climatic situation.

If you would like to be on his mailing list and receive regular articles on climate, you can contact him at vinmary.gray@paradise.net.nz.

Vested Interests

You may wonder why so many people support man-made global warming so vigorously. The simple answer is ‘Vested Interests’. The amount of money poured into reducing CO2 emissions is horrendous. Only recently, energy bills in the UK have been increased by 10% to cover the expense of implementing ‘Green Requirements’. Businesses have sprung up to build wind generators, funded by the tax payer, and others to install solar panels on your house, subsidised again by the tax payer. Although wind generators are very inefficient when used as part of the national grid, there is merit in using them privately to reduce power costs. This also applies to solar panels.

Governments love Green issues as this means they can increase taxes, but as these are Green taxes, it doesn’t look as if they are just taking money from the wage earner for their own use. The underlying message is that you should willingly pay these taxes to help save the planet.

Well meaning Public Figures

People in the public eye don’t seem to be able to resist jumping on the band wagon. It doesn’t cost them anything and they seem to be acclaimed as saviours of the world.

Al Gore received a Nobel Prize for issuing a video on Global warming. It is no wonder that the bulk of the population believes this rubbish.

I’m not sure what Green Peace have to gain from supporting man-made global warming. Perhaps they truly believe it is a danger to the world. This Christmas they published a video on the Internet showing Father Christmas in a dark bunker, illuminated by a hand held torch, telling the children of the world that Christmas is cancelled due to the fact that the arctic ice is melting.  It was quite amusing and very well acted, but people believe what they are saying.


So, what does it mean to us. Well firstly, it takes the attention away from what really matters. In the UK we need to be self sufficient in energy, but we are closing down coal fired power stations and building wind generators. People should be more aware of the danger they are putting their countries in by following all this global warming nonsense. China has been condemned for not cutting down on CO2 emissions,  when in fact they are being sensible.


The graphs shown in this article cannot be exactly correct as the weather patterns have a random component that can cause short term variations, but the evidence has been extensively researched over a long period of time. During the 70’s there was a downward trend in temperatures and the establishment scientists were forecasting an imminent ice age. Many remedies were explored and pumping CO2 into the atmosphere was ruled out as it didn’t have any warming effect. Funny how views change. It may take another 30 to 40 years before governments are made to accept that man-made global warming is a fiction. However, there is a growing weight of public opinion moving against the idea of man-made global warming including hundreds of scientists.

Remember, climate change is with us and always has been, but it is not due to us.

Some recent developments

For the first time, a research team has been able to reconstruct the solar activity at the end of the last ice age, around 20,000-10,000 years ago, by analysing trace elements in ice cores in Greenland and cave formations from China.

During the last glacial maximum, Sweden was covered in a thick ice sheet that stretched all the way down to northern Germany and sea levels were more than 100 metres lower than they are today, because the water was frozen in the extensive ice caps. The new study shows that the sun’s variation influences the climate in a similar way regardless of whether the climate is extreme, as during the Ice Age, or as it is today.

“The study shows an unexpected link between solar activity and climate change. It shows both that changes in solar activity are nothing new and that solar activity influences the climate, especially on a regional level. Understanding these processes helps us to better forecast the climate in certain regions”, said Raimund Muscheler, Lecturer in Quaternary Geology at Lund University and co-author of the study.

The sun’s impact on the climate is a matter of current debate, especially as regards the less-than-expected global warming of the past 15 years. There is still a lot of uncertainty as to how the sun affects the climate, but the study suggests that direct solar energy is not the most important factor, but rather indirect effects on atmospheric circulation.

“Reduced solar activity could lead to colder winters in Northern Europe. This is because the sun’s UV radiation affects the atmospheric circulation. Interestingly, the same processes lead to warmer winters in Greenland, with greater snowfall and more storms. The study also shows that the various solar processes need to be included in climate models in order to better predict future global and regional climate change”, said Dr Muscheler.

- See more at: http://www.astrobio.net/topic/solar-system/earth/climate/suns-activity-influences-natural-climate-change/#sthash.FEH6Jwgn.dpuf