Is science on the right track
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Science has gone a long way and has achieved a great deal, but is it always on the right track?
If you are an engineer, your science either works or it doesn’t. You can’t go off into realms of fantasy. Your science has to work. However, if you are a ‘pure’ scientist working with particles or the universe as a whole, you can postulate whatever you like and it doesn’t really matter as a pure scientist doesn’t have to produce an end product. This tends to produce a series of ‘Chinese Whispers’, each new thought building on the previous one. This has happened in many branches of science, and mostly it doesn’t actually make any difference to most of us, other than having to fork out, through taxes, to support their ‘work’. In some cases it can impinge on our daily lives to a much greater extent. One such case is climate change. In ancient times, if there were a change in the climate causing us severe problems, we would assume we had upset the gods and would feel we had to appease them, and to do this we had to do something to our disadvantage, such as making a sacrifice. People were known to sacrifice their best horse or prized weapon, or in extreme cases, sacrifice someone they loved. We now believe they were wasting their time. But the attitude of sacrifice is still part of our makeup and many advocate giving up the motor car or some of our power stations to appease the ‘God’ of climate change, but few have actually looked at the truth behind the assumption that CO2 emissions actually have any affect on our climate.
The people who hold sway on all these matters are the press and governments fuelled by the organisations that stand to lose funding if the truth were known.
On these pages we investigate the truth behind many lines of modern science, including climate change, the universe, relativity, speed of light, etc.
I know from bitter experience that there are many of you out there who adhere to the establishment views on most things and will not be budged. That is up to you, but it is pointless entering your views here. They are already noted. One attitude I came up against was ‘Who are you to question Einstein?’ To which I answered ‘Who is Einstein to question me?’ As it happens I have been thinking on these matters for many more years than Einstein did.
What we would like is to explore these subjects without prejudice to see if we can expand our common knowledge of our universe in a positive way. Unfortunately, many of the ideas put forward here could affect funding of certain projects if taken seriously. But I would hope there would be new opportunities to expand our knowledge in a more concrete fashion.
If you have an open, enquiring mind and would like to discuss any of the views aired in this website, we would be pleased to hear from you via our